The cougar that killed a deer near a Grand Forks school has been safely relocated away from the city, Conservation Service Officers (CSOs) reported Tuesday, April 27.
READ MORE: School children warned after cougar kills deer in Grand Forks
CSO Kyle Bueckert said the four-year-old Tom was caught in a live trap at around 10 p.m. Monday. Weighing around 120 pounds, the cat appeared to be in good health and showed no signs of unusual behavior.
The cat was then tranquilized, ear-tagged and taken to a Boundary-area mountain where Bueckert said the animal would pose no threat to people.
“This cougar was just doing what cougars do best: killing natural prey, like deer,” he explained.
Bueckert advised that feeding city deer not only attracts cougars to the area, but also harms deers’ digestive systems.
Cougars drawn to the city in search of deer may opportunistically hunt pets left outside, he warned.
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