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OUR VIEW APRIL 24: Unsung heroes don't get enough credit

There's Superman and then there are those who don't really get the spotlight, like the people who rescued a man near Christina Lake.

Heroes needn’t wear blue tights, red boots and cape. They come in all shapes and sizes and if it wasn’t apparent before, it has become apparent the past few weeks.

Two Fridays ago, there was a fire in Grand Forks and people braved the flames to carry the residents of the house to safety.

Everyone knows by now about the tragedy that took place at last week’s Boston Marathon and while the police, various other law enforcement agencies and first responders rightfully received their due, not enough was made about the other lesser-known heroes, the innocent bystanders at the marathon who comforted, consoled and even administered first aid to people injured by the blast.

A similar incident occurred this past Saturday in the area near Christina Lake. A vehicle was travelling westbound on Highway 3, lost control and went into a creek.

Estimates are that the driver of the vehicle was under water for about five minutes and it could’ve ended tragically if it weren’t for two passersby, one of which reportedly went into the water, cutting a seatbelt and getting the unconscious driver out of the water. The local fire department arrived on the scene and helped get the driver to shore.

The driver was taken to hospital, alive, thanks to the actions of the two men.

The men were said to have been told to leave before names could be taken, although one has been identified.

Officials are hoping the second individual comes forward, as he deserves recognition for helping to save a life.

The world is full of heroes, whether it is someone who helps another, less mobile person cross the street, someone who donates money to charity but doesn’t want any credit, even someone who picks litter up and places it in a trash receptacle and they are almost never recognized for their efforts but they should.

Hopefully, the second person who aided in the rescue near Christina Lake is found and receives recognition.

It’s not every day that someone saves a life.

– Grand Forks Gazette