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Letter to the Editor: There are other ways of farming

How will we survive if more crops are destroyed and our air and drinking water is poisoned?

An open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Thomas Jefferson stated "The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government."

Your government stated on Sept. 22 in Question Period: "Government is committed to clean air for Canadians." If this is true, make Canada a "spray-free country.”

Does this mean now your government will pay for six months hotel for us living near spray areas, so we and all our animals can be away from spray areas and breath clean air? I still smell the poisons sprayed in the area from last spring.

How will we survive if more crops are destroyed and our air and drinking water is poisoned?

Farm crops and household gardens are being destroyed because of pesticides and herbicides used in Canada. The implications of pesticide use are profound for humans and the ecosystems. In 1962, Rachael Carson wrote Silent Spring, where she recognized the widespread use of pesticides was having on birds, bees and nature.

There are other safe ways of fanning and weed control than poisons. It is time they were promoted.

Gladys Brown, Midway, B.C.