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Letter to the Editor: Misinformation being spread

There seems to be some misunderstanding or misinformation being spread about the water meters being installed in Grand Forks.

There seems to be some misunderstanding or misinformation being spread about the water meters being installed in Grand Forks. Here are the hard facts, validated by the website references published by the city itself:

1) The RF (radio frequency) meter currently being installed in Grand Forks by Neptune is the model R900i. (" the preference of the city for installation. The R900i E-coder equipment ...)


2) A previous letter to the editor claimed that the meter only transmits when it is being read by the city. This is not true. This meter continually transmits a powerful burst every 14 seconds, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. ("...The R900MIU is a ... communication device that transmits data every 14 seconds...")

These are the facts. Grand Forks residents are entitled to know the truth about these meters.

Transmitting high power RF signals continually is ridiculously excessive, dangerous, and now antiquated technology; these meters pose a potential health risk to one and all. This meter was an extremely poor choice for city council to have made.

Don Lea, Grand Forks, B.C.