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LETTER: Netting and trapping is inhumane

Netting/trapping deer is inhumane in all respects.


Netting/trapping deer is inhumane in all respects.

Every minute spent entangled or trapped is a terrifying eternity for these easily frightened prey animals that can badly injure themselves in frantic attempts to get free. And the deer who are removed or killed aren’t the only victims.

Mass killings tear families apart, leaving young and weak animals vulnerable to starvation, dehydration and predators.

This is wrong on too many levels to mention.

These are sentient beings understanding pain, fear, panic, stress, just like you and me – no different.

This is outright murder and the method is beyond cruel.

I did not learn about this cull until recently. I am outraged and extremely upset of this process to treat these animals with just abuse.

Cat Jones, Creston, B.C.