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Letter: More thoughts on City Park field


The idea of a rugby field in City Park is, I believe, a non-starter.

The main thing a rugby field there would do is to send campers to Christina Lake or Greenwood, on brief escape from an urban environment.

They do not want to listen to the noise of a rugby game, or anything along that line.

They mostly, like myself, come to the park to listen to the waters rushing past, and watch the waterfowl.

Why endanger one of our most at-risk rivers, with the pollution that sports events bring with them, when there are other places for such events?

How about the space just this side of Extra Foods?

It is ideal for a sports

complex, couple of motels nearby and is a much bigger space than the one by the river.

Another point: that artificial turf, I’m sure, breaks down. Then you have some kind of chemical crap, which can never be removed, leaching down into our river.

Peter Hlookoff, Grand Forks

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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