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Letter: Many reasons for saying 'no'

There are several reasons people are saying no to water meters.

Editor, The Gazette:

Why people are saying no to water meters:

• Education should be tried first.

• Leak detection like district metering should be done first, so taxpayers aren't paying for water leaking into the ground, and water isn't wasted.

• Revelstoke, Cranbrook, Squamish and other municipalities are using education and watermain leak detection and repair programs.

• Not using residential water meters as a first choice because they are the most expensive option

• Not using residential water meters as a first choice because their manufacture and regular replacement creates more water/air/soil pollution.

• Because, according to engineering reports, we have a highly productive aquifer that needs to be protected from pollution.

• The city should first learn and role model water conservation.

• People who wish to conserve water should be given grants/rebates, if need be, to help them afford water saving devices/tools.

• To prevent a widening gap between rich and poor, those who can afford more water and those who can't, those who have nice yards and those who don't.

• To keep food growing affordable for all, thus improving food security.

• To attract young families to Grand Forks by keeping water affordable for them.

• Because wireless water meter radiation hasn't been proven safe.

• Because wireless radiation is a class 2B possible carcinogen.

• To protect children, because of the gaps in scientific research on effects of wireless radiation on children, brain function and reproductive capacity.

• Because they don't want to increase the wireless radiation in their home.

• Because they don't want to expose their neighbours to more radiation against their will.

• Because they have the right to privacy in their home.

• Because they have the right to say no to having their water pipes cut.

• Because allowing a city water meter into their home would lead to giving up rights—they would have to let city workers or future owners of our water utility into their home in the future.

• Because they have the right to say no to paying for a pit water meter to be installed.

• Want to be treated with respect, rather than intimidated, coerced, or extorted.

• Wish for a more democratic process rather than a dictatorship.

• Because the municipal election is on Nov.15, 2014 and they can elect a more democratic city council.

• Because the new city council will change and create new bylaws.

• Because the new city council will determine water rates

Contact for more information.

Donna Semenoff,

Grand Forks