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JUNE 5 LETTER: Deer population drop meaning cougars losing prey

A major reason cougar sightings have increased is the dramatic decline in the province’s deer population, cougars' traditional prey.


One of the major reasons cougar sightings have increased recently is the dramatic decline in the province’s deer population, their traditional prey.

Contrary to the posturing of fish and wildlife staff and organized hunters, the ungulate populations in our province are in serious trouble.

Although there are a number of reasons the most prominent and egregious is liberalized hunting.

The increase in deer populations in urban settings should have been a red flag.

The dramatic increase in roads, quad bikes, long hunting seasons and predators has resulted in deer seeking sanctuary from a grim future on their traditional range.

I have hunted the cougar for 40 years and this past winter I found few cougar tracks and some were mighty close to human habitation.

Like the deer, the cougar wants to survive and because little is left of its traditional food source, the urban deer sanctuary increasingly is its hunting ground.

In my opinion, corruption is pervasive in wildlife management, a point made by the subsequent reporting of a cougar mauling of a young boy at the Pacific Rim National Park August 2011.

A news reporter described the event, then said that Vancouver Island had the largest cougar population in North America.

Excuse me, that was old news when I started cougar hunting in 1972 and no longer is true if it ever was!

Barry Brandow, Grand Forks