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FEB. 6 LETTER: Premier Clark showing bad form

A low in B.C. politics was achieved over the holidays. A radio talk show asked Premier Clark if she preferred the term MILF or cougar.


A low in B.C. politics was achieved over the holidays. A caller over a radio talk show asked the leader of B.C.’s sitting government (Premier Christy Clark) whether she preferred the term MILF or cougar.

Now there are several things that the she could’ve done.

You would think a woman in politics over the years would have developed a certain skill set to deal with just such occasions, not that all of politics is sexist or backwater, it is of note however that 22 per cent of women make up MPs.

Canada ranks 48th in the world for female representation – just saying.

The leader could have:

Asked why the caller would ask such a question. Deigning to respond gave the caller traction and helpfully puts women in politics, where most of them don’t want to be – the bedroom as object in a public political arena, reminiscent of Kim Campbell and the famous “robe shot” anyone remember that? No one ever asked Jon Chretien or Brian Mulroney to pose coyly with a robe; thank the baby Jesus.

Asked why that was the only two options given.

Responded with, “Please explain how your question relates to running this province?”

Responded with “Does anybody out there have a REAL question?”

Turned it into a joke and said something like “That is between my husband and I!” which would have drawn some sort of boundary line, supported family values and spun with humor, while still not giving the impression of prudishness.

But no, our leader did none of these or any related things.

She played into being given one of two options.

Perhaps she thought it would make her more likable, more popular. After all, she is sitting third from the bottom of the barrel of premier ratings across the nation.

Instead our leader giggled and responded with “MILF,”

I guess what bothers me most is not just the lack of intelligence, leadership skills, boundaries or imagination this displayed, but the lack of critical thinking involved.

Sol Allison, Princeton, B.C.