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No cancellations at Castlegar airport during June and July

Passenger traffic was also good this summer
There were no fight cancellations during June and July at Castlegar’s airport. Photo: Betsy Kline

It was a good summer at the West Kootenay Regional Airport in terms of flight cancellations.

There were no cancellations throughout June and July, according to airport manager Maciej Habrych.

Passenger traffic was also good with flights 75 per cent full in June and 87 per cent full in July.

There were a few flight delays during June and July, but Habrych said they were all related to air traffic issues out of Vancouver.

He said these types of delays are unpredictable and a “testament of staffing issues going through the industry.”

Habrych said the summer was also very busy with non-commercial traffic due to the number of Southeast Fire Centre aircraft coming and going or parking at WKRA. Throughout August, this included additional wildfire resources sent from Alberta.

Meanwhile design work is underway for a taxiway and apron expansion at the airport. The $2.35-million project is fully funded by a Transport Canada grant.

Earlier this year, WKRA also received a $6-million grant to help pay for the expansion of its terminal building.

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Betsy Kline

About the Author: Betsy Kline

After spending several years as a freelance writer for the Castlegar News, Betsy joined the editorial staff as a reporter in March of 2015. In 2020, she moved into the editor's position.
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