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April 7 WEEKENDER – Nelson astrologer Michael O'Connor in Grand Forks Thursday

Michael O'Connor, the man who does The Gazette's horoscopes for its website, will be at Studio B on Thursday, April 12.

Interesting times certainly have a way of catching our attention, with all kinds of upheavals, breakthroughs and an entire smorgasbord of religious and not so religious credos bandied about.

The North African uprisings, the Japanese tsunami, the Israel-Iran sabre rattling,  the U.S. and now pending European financial collapse, IBM storing one bit of information onto only 12 atoms, the on-going collapse of Earth systems . . . the list does go on does it not?

Tune in to any Bible thumper and you soon are looking to the skies for the chariots of fire. Listen to earthy or pagan radio waves and subliminal images the size of baseball diamonds, known as crop circles, are imprinting your DNA with the information required to access another dimension of this world.

We must remember that just 500 years ago, most of our western ancestors believed the universe revolved around the Earth. Not to say many at the time also believed the Earth to be flat, just as we are chuckling at our ancestors' ignorance, quantum physics come around and now our neat little Newtonian worldview is but one big fat illusion.

The perpetual growth of economies and finances related to any other exploitative balloon we have floated to make us believe we are the be-all and end-all of higher civilizations appears to be collapsing with this Newtonian worldview.

After all these years, the Mayans are back in the news with their calendar, which comes to an end Wednesday, Dec. 21. Many have heard of this but few quite understand the astronomical ramifications of it. The topic is absolutely spellbinding as are the discussions around it if one has the least grasp of quantum physics.

Michael O'Connor, a researcher and astrologer from Nelson, will be making a presentation on the topic at Studio B on Thursday, April 12 at 7 p.m.

This will be his fourth sharing in Grand Forks of slides and views on this topic in the last two years. After attending all previous discussions with him, I can guarantee interests and curiosities will be stimulated for all.

As a presenter, he is open-minded, clear and balanced. He presents the topic in light of other end-of-game predictions as well as the more hopeful leap in consciousness visions expressed presently on the planet.

Any questions or additional information may be obtained by calling Netti at 250-443-3278.

– Submitted by Donald Pharand