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LETTER: Report raised the concerns of businesses

Coun. Bev Tripp writes in response to Dave Milton’s letter.

Editor, the Gazette:

Re: Letter to the editor, April 4, “Bringing disharmony a sign of disrespect”

In response to a letter to the editor in the April 4 issue of the Gazette, David Milton, the author of “Bringing disharmony a sign of disrespect,” has done just that by not reporting actual facts from the regular meeting of council on Feb. 26. His misinformed letter is utterly baseless and undeserved, and I am saddened that Mr. Milton somehow arrived at that conclusion.

I in no way intended to, as he suggests, “bring willful disharmony” and “disrespect” to the table, nor did I “cross the line between reasoned discourse and verbal hostility.” Rather, I followed the official guidelines for the use of councillor’s reports as per council requests for decisions. These are to “report to the community on issues, bring community issues for discussion, and initiate action through motions of Council, ask questions on matters pertaining to the City operations and inquire on any issues and reports.”

My report adhered to these guidelines, which was to “bring the matter before Council on behalf of constituents, so that members of Council may ask questions, seek clarification and report on issues.”

My submission was further to concerns raised by several business owners, and I believed it necessary to express their views to council for the potential betterment of a fine event (Family Day) that impacts the entire community.

So I’m left wondering — did Mr. Milton even read my report, or did he just use this situation as an opportunistic moment to make a political statement?

Respectfully submitted,

Beverley Tripp

Councillor, City of Grand Forks