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The Way it Was

1916: Phoenix holds per capita automobile record


Mining activity all through the Boundary was reported to be at the highest point with no end in sight, according to the general manager, Jay P. Graves and President Langeloth of the Granby Company.


The Dept. of Education turned down a request for a rural school south of the city.


With 29 automobiles in the city, Phoenix was the holder of the per capita automobile record for the Dominion of Canada.


Fourth Street bridge and KV Railway bridge were both washed out by the flood waters caused by warm weather and heavy rains. The average high for the whole week was 76 degrees F.


The opening of the new hospital at Greenwood took place this week. The building has been converted from a former hotel in the city.


Ole Johnson of Christina Lake nears completion of a dance pavilion there and the grand opening is scheduled for the weekend.


Canadian Airways has singled out Grand Forks as the logical distributing centre for air mail in the interior of B.C. and the only stopping point for Trans-Canada air mail planes between Alberta and Vancouver.


Stan Ruzicka and Eva Ronald were prize winners at the music festival in Trail.


The Doukhobor hall located near the Boundary Iron Works was totally destroyed by fire.


Michael Acres was the winner of the Jaycee Road-e-o with 401 points out of the possible 500 points.


Grand Forks soccer team won a berth in the playoffs by defeating Trail Italicos. The first interior soccer tournament was played at the Firemen’s Park with eight teams competing.


Great excitement prevailed in Midway when the girls’ team won the softball tournament held between secondary schools in District 12 and 13.


The Kettle River came up three feet in 24 hours, something that no one can recall happening before. In the city some 20 to 30 houses were flooded and damage has been estimated at $100,000, including direct property damage and cost of repairing the river bank.


Travelling to Reno next month on an all-expense paid trip by the Vancouver Daily Province Teambowl are Jan Bunn, Flo Kalmakoff, Helen Floyd, Shirley Franz and Mary Rezansoff.


The provincial government has given free Crown land to the Village of Midway, to be used as a site for a museum.


Grand Forks parents of students studying in the Soviet Union say they aren’t worried about radioactivity harming their children following the nuclear reactor explosion and fire at Chernobyl in the USSR over a week ago, they put the report down to “panic in the West.”


The Grand Forks recycling depot will now be accepting plastic milk jugs, one-litre motor oil bottles and margarine and yogurt containers, as well as other recyclables.


“Let’s play ball!” has come out of Mick Hanlon’s mouth once or twice in his lifetime. Hanlon has stepped away from the game after coaching Boundary Babe Ruth Baseball in Grand Forks for over 20 years. He managed the first all-star team to come out of Grand Forks in the late ’70s, and has coached over 500 kids. His teams have won two B.C. Championship games, one in 1986 and one in 1997.


According to Allan Chapman, the head of the River Forecasting Centre for the Ministry of Environment, the snowpack levels are well above the normal averages and the potential for flooding will depend on the weather.

The Kettle and Granby Rivers are likely to peak during late-May or early-June.


A golfer from Christina Lake has earned a National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) scholarship. Tanner Kopan will be attending Westminster University in Utah and will be going up against American competition. He’s been golfing from a very young age and has been a golf club member since the age of three.


The 10th Annual Mother’s Day East Indian Brunch at Rilkoff’s Store has raised a record $7,500 for local charities (a full $1,000 more than last year). Hundreds of families enjoyed handmade vegetable samosas, chickpea curry and pakoras in exchange for a donation.