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One Book One Kootenay finalist speaks at Library

On June 11 at 7 p.m., Antonia Banyard will be giving a presentation at the Grand Forks and District Public Library.
Antonia Banyard

As friends gather, tensions mount as they prepare for a memorial marking a young woman’s tragic death, 10 years before.

Through the characters of Evan, Siobhan and Lance, a multi-layered narrative of secrecy, betrayal, family conflict, and romance emerges in Antonia Banyard’s first novel, Never Going Back.

On June 11 at 7 p.m., Antonia Banyard will be giving a presentation at the Grand Forks and District Public Library.  Everyone is welcome to attend this free celebration of the fifth annual One Book One Kootenay Shortlist Tour (OBOK).

Never Going Back is one of three books written by Kootenay authors, which have been shortlisted for this years’ OBOK.

Banyard emigrated from Zambia to Canada as a young child and grew up in Nelson, where she currently resides.  At the library she will be discussing Never Going Back, revealing a few interesting snippets behind the novel, and encouraging people to take part in OBOK. She will also be joined by co-shortlist authors via video, both with great stories to tell.

The Dolphin’s Tooth follows Kimberley author Bruce Kirkby through 15 years of high adventure in some of the world’s edgier places. Kirkby is a Globe and Mail columnist and photographer.

Deryn Collier’s novel Confined Space introduces small-town coroner Bern Fortin as he investigates a murder in a brewery. Author Deryn Collier worked for a time at Columbia Brewery in Creston before settling in Nelson.

The Kootenay Library Federation encourages Kootenay booklovers to read all three shortlisted books and vote for your favourite title. Voting is taking place at all libraries in the Kootenay/Boundary until Aug. 2. Copies of the three shortlisted books are available at your local library.

One Book One Kootenay is a region-wide book club supported by public libraries in the East and West Kootenay, and the Columbia Basin Trust. To find information about the books and interviews with the authors go to The website also has upcoming OBOK events at a library near you.

Written by One Book One Kootenay