Chronicles of Boundary Country from the pages of The Boundary Creek Times
Volume 1, No. 10 – November 14, 1896
Union Developments – “George Rumberger has been corresponding for some time past with the head office of the Miners’ Union at Denver Colorado. He has been promised that providing the miners of Boundary Creek desire to form a local branch of the union, an organizer will be sent to arrange the matter.”
New Charters – “At the next session of the Provincial Legislature, two charters associated with matters of importance to this district will be applied for: 1. The construction of a telegraph line between Greenwood and a point on the international boundary, to connect with Spokane; 2. The installation of a system of electric lighting and water-works for Greenwood. Directly as a charter is granted for the telegraph line, construction will be commenced.”
Obstacle Course – “As a course for an obstacle race, Government Street in Greenwood City would admirably answer all requirements – there are certainly boulders innumerable, not to mention stumps, ups-and-downs, water holes and brush heaps to tax the ingenuity of the participants in such a competition to dodge … perhaps the businessmen intend to utilize the boulders or stumps by placarding them with advertisements.”
Post Office for Anaconda – “Mr. Fletcher, post-office inspector, was in the district this week and established a post-office at Anaconda and a money-order office at Greenwood.” (ed.- James McNicol, general store proprietor, was the first Anaconda postmaster.)
Stonemason – W.E. Medill is advertising himself “in Greenwood as a Plasterer, Bricklayer and Stonemason; Lime for sale, always on hand; work done at shortest notice.”
Camp McKinney – Hugh Cameron, proprietor, claims his Camp McKinney Hotel has the “best brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars; along with Good Stabling.”
Anaconda Hotel – Nicholas Tholl, proprietor, advertises his “Hotel in Anaconda as in every respect a Comfortable and Well-appointed House; Livery Stable in connection.”
With Apologies – Olson & Phelan, proprietors of The White Front Store “admit there are times when patience ceases to be a virtue; but we would respectfully ask our patrons to have patience a little while longer. The contraction of the currency evidently forced our Pack Mules on a strike. The money question having now being settled, prosperity will follow all those who take advantage of our Low Prices of Clothing and Groceries.”