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BUSINESS BEAT: Find out if you're lacking energy

Do you have any health concerns? Are you out of balance? Then Energy Reflex Testing (ERT) is what you need.
According to Loretta Condruck

Do you have any health concerns? Are you out of balance? Then Energy Reflex Testing (ERT) is what you need.

In this energetic system we call the body, there are over 200 known reflex areas on the skin, which represent various organs, glands and nutrition points.

ERT (an advanced form of muscle testing) uses these known reflexes to determine if there is an interruption of nerve energy to these reflexes. A lack of nerve energy is believed to be the cause of any health condition or symptom.

For example, when testing the Vitamin A energy reflex point – if your body has sufficient stores of that nutrient – then your body will test positive, if it were to test negative, then you know that your body can benefit from more Vitamin A. But it doesn’t end there. We then test to find out what form of food or supplement will best support you.

Over time, as you supply high energy foods, these reflexes become strong, showing that there is a natural energy flow throughout the body.

More importantly, you will notice the differences in how you feel and how much energy you have.

ERT is then a tool to find out what reflex points lack energy flow and embark on a program that will restore energy flow and bring the body back into balance.

How we do that is by removing the toxicity in the body, adding high-energy foods and addressing areas that cause stress in our life. By addressing the root cause you are enabling your body to heal itself.

Contact: Massage and Wellness Therapy, Loretta Condruk, 250-442-2761.

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