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LETTER: GMO food debate

I need to respond to last week’s letter promoting GMO foods as a viable alternative in any way, shape or form.


Re: The other side of the GM food coin (Nov. 23 issue of the Grand Forks Gazette)

I need to respond to last week’s letter promoting GMO foods as a viable alternative in any way, shape or form.  The letter is so misleading and non fact-based that people should be up in arms over such blatant misinformation.

There have been no long-term studies of GMO foods in this or any other country, thus how could the writer perceive them to be helpful, let alone safe?

I will not bother fighting this letter directly because it does not deserve the mention.  I will, however, quote the Cochabamba Convention of April 22, 2010 to help our intelligent people to make their own decisions on the rights of the planet we live on and the neighbours who live here with us:

“The right to life and existence. The right to be respected. The right to continue its cycles and life processes free from damage caused by humans. The right to protection of its identity and integrity as a diverse, self directed and interrelated being. The right to water as the source of life.  The right to all around health. The right to freedom from contamination and pollution by toxic and radioactive wastes. The right not to be impaired by genetic modification or having its structure modified, which would threaten its life and health functions. The right to speedy and complete rescission of human activities which breach the principles of the declaration.”

I know that people want to survive and thrive and I think it is of the utmost importance to shine a bright light on the outright lies being spread about GM’s around our planet.

Be wary and wise when confronted with corporations bearing information.

They probably want us to believe in what makes them money, not what helps our health and well-being!

Ben Sorlensen, Grand Forks