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Letter: Expand services in post office

Why not expand services within our actual post office, writes Gregg Anderson.

I would like to respond to the letter, “Canada Post needs to be sustainable” by Doug Jones.

In his letter, Mr. Jones addresses the decline of letter mail at length and the need for Canada Post to meet the changing needs of its customers. It’s interesting that Mr. Jones only writes about drops in letter mail volume yet sidesteps any mention of actual post office increases such as the dramatic rise of parcels the corporation now handles.

Another glaring omission from his letter is any mention of the near-record $198-million net profit Canada Post made in 2014. With such profitability, why are further cuts needed?

Instead of sending people a block away to a private interest simply looking to increase foot traffic, why not expand services within our actual post office, hire back the deleted positions and allow us to provide better service, better paying jobs, and better options for our community that this slow erosion of the current service can't possibly bring?

Gregg Anderson, Local Vice President, CUPW 746