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Letter: Bring water meter project to conclusion

I suggest you either get the job done or step down. writes Dave Milton.

An open letter to Mayor Konrad:

Your assertion that the water meter project is “null and void” is mischievous. The issue is alive and well and close to the completion that will better protect the water resource from the likely ravages of climate warming, blatant abuse of a precious commodity and bring fairness to paying for it.

Of the 1,651 residences in the program, 1,184 have been installed, 115 are registered for installation and a further 146 (that will have pit installations) will be completed when ground conditions allow.

None of these was coerced as far as I know. This total of 1,445 represents 87.5 per cent of willing citizens; citizens unafraid of the codswallop of invalidated home insurance policies, unqualified installers, home invasions, meters playing havoc with cardiac implants, meters disguised as spying devices and all the other spurious tactics employed to avoid taking personal responsibility.

The recent point in these pages that you were elected by a minority is well taken; I suspect this minority is to be found among the 12.5 per cent of metering hold-outs. And I have a sneaking suspicion that all the can-rattling about running the place by referenda will also be found in this minority.

Those of us with meters installed and waiting on fair water billing, are an indication that the project must be brought to a universal conclusion so that this community can move on. We have much to do to revitalize our farm lands, our downtown core, our broader economy. We cannot afford to be bogged down by a recalcitrant minority. You have the overwhelming mandate you need to get the job finished.

I suggest you either get the job done or step down.

Dave Milton, Grand Forks